How do I file a traffic accident report?

It is the policy of the Truckee Police Department to complete a traffic collision report under the following circumstances: • The traffic collision occurred within the Town of Truckee limits.• A person involved in the traffic collision has been injured (complaint of pain is considered injury) or dies.• One of the drivers is under the […]

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What about Traffic School?

Eligibility to attend traffic school is handled by the Traffic Court.  For further information please call the court at (530) 362-4309 or click here for their website. 

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Where does the Town install crosswalks?

Crosswalks may be located at signalized and unsignalized intersections or at mid-block locations. Crossings at intersections with higher levels of pedestrian traffic are more likely to be marked with a crosswalk, whereas intersections with lower levels of pedestrian traffic are less likely to be marked. In addition, mid-block crosswalks are not recommended unless accompanied with […]

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Can additional speed limit signs or stop signs be installed on my street?

In general, the Town has a policy to limit the amount of signage throughout town to minimize sign pollution and maintain small town character. When deciding whether or not to place a new sign we consider several factors including legal and technical appropriateness, likely effectiveness of the requested signage to change driver behavior, maintenance of […]

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Why doesn’t the Town install speed humps or speed bumps?

Speed humps and speed bumps are vertical obstacles in the road extending across a travel way to slow vehicle speeds. They are made of asphalt, concrete, plastic, rubber, or metal. The Town does not recommend installing speed humps or bumps on publicly maintained roads due to their lack of effectiveness, impediment to snow removal operations, […]

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Can the speed limit on my street be lowered?

Operating speeds are based on the visual scene and characteristics of the roadway more than by the posted speed limit.  As a result, changes in the posted speed limit have little to no effect on vehicle speeds.  A nationwide study collected speed data from 100 sites across 22 states where posted speed limits were either […]

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What can I do to help speeding concerns in my neighborhood?

Set the pace! Drive at or below the speed limit and observe all rules of the road. Report speeding incidents to the Truckee Police Department. If you notice vehicles speed at a particular time of day, or day of the week, provide that information. You may make a request for additional enforcement. Lead by example! […]

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How do I request a radar speed feedback sign?

Speed feedback signs remind drivers of the speed at which they are traveling in relation to the posted speed limit. However, local observations show that drivers pay more attention to them when they are newly placed and tend to disregard them over time. The Town Council adopted the Radar Speed Sign Policy in 2013, available […]

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